Tuesday, 29 September 2020

The Transcibed Data of the Study

 Appendix 3  The Transcribed Data of The Teachers’ Interview


Table 4.9 The teachers’ responses in the interview


Point of the question


1 (Ida)

2  (Siti)

3 (Asep)

4 (Yulius)


Teaching  experience and  class to teach


Sma = 22 years, SMK = 10 years,  class XI

SMP = 5 years, SMK =4 years,  class X and XII

SMP = 9 years, SMK = 5 years,  class X

SMA = 11 years, SMK = 3 years,  Class X, XI, XII


Whether  KTSP is used in the English teaching

KTSP is used  nowadays

KTSP is used


KTSP is used.

 KTSP is used   as it is regulated by the government   and the school to use the existing curriculum.



 the  teacher’s understanding on KTSP



It is  a curriculum  which is applied  at the school and it is regulated by the government to apply. The curriculum describes how it is implemented to the students,  how the teacher  teaches, etc

KTSP is  a curriculum  which  applies the evaluation  with  certain standard.

Basically  KTSP is the same , but there is something  which  should fulfill the demand of  changing era.

The curriculum were the 1994 curriculum , 2004 curriculum and 2006 curriculum or KTSP. KTSP is to improve the previous curriculum. Basically KTSP is the same, but it  mentions that the method or the technique used in the  learning should be according  to the need and the school situation, also the society  around and the students themselves. Thus, in KTSP should  be suitable with  the school and the need of the society.

 KTSP is  a globally referred government curriculum, but in the implementation, it  should be in accordance with  each school or education units.


The difference between KTSP and the previous Curriculum in the English teaching


Of course, there is a difference. In the past, the teachers use CBSA, now  KTSP.  The difference is that in KTSP  refers to  how the teachers  apply English to the students. There were  many examples in the past and a lot of  grammar points, but now  grammar is reduced and focused on how to make the students speak.


It is the same, nothing different


KTSP  considers  the school character, the ability  and the need of the school. KTSP is autonomy  for the school, to develop the curriculum according to the need and interest  of the students and the society, but still should follow  the national  standard which has been regulated   by the government.


There  should be a difference because it is impossible for  a stakeholder to design  a new curriculum which is similar to the previous curriculum.


How  the implementation

 of KTSP at the school


The implementation has not been implemented  accordingly , because  there should be  a lot of means and  infrastructure . at SMK, the students are boys, to implement those things found a lot of problems, for example, in imitating the English pronunciation , the students were just  playful, not serious.

The implementation of KTSP in the school  is based on the SK/KD  which is appropriate  with the school standard.

The implementation of  KTSP should be based on the school situation. The method could be various for certain circumstance. Sometimes the situation demands the KBK method, or  the 1984 curriculum method as well as KTSP. Therefore  the teacher  often combines all the methods  according to the school condition. The  teacher often has planned the lesson, but when it is implemented in the class, the situation demands the other  thing.  Thus, the teacher cannot  force  the method or the technique that it has been planned. The teacher  should be skillful in changing the technique.


The implementation  of KTSP  considers the  need of the school especially  for the graduates. In the school, the output is expected to fill the work field. Therefore , the English teaching  is intended to make the students have  skills  to be well prepared in  the real work field.


Whether the teacher has followed a KTSP training or  workshop


 the teacher has followed the training

the teacher has followed the training in 2008


The teacher has  often followed the workshop because every time the curriculum is changing, there is always an IHT-  In House Training. Also MGMP is like a workshop whenever the curriculum changes, starting from 1994, KBK, 2004, or 2006 curriculum.

the teacher has followed the training


The  reason why KTSP is implemented


Because there were many  obstacles  found in the implementation of CBSA, for example , in Sundanese, not all people learn Sundanese, so  Sundanese is learned depending  on the local area which required it. In term of English, the focus was on writing, now is speaking

To make the students’ competence equal  especially in English


To improve the previous curriculum

It is to make the learning more familiar.


The teacher’ s role in developing  KTSP at the classroom


The  teacher plays main role in motivating the students to use and practice English  not only in writing but also reading,

speaking, listening, etc.

The teacher applies the SK  to look at the students’ ability whether they have already mastered the competency  or the  required  standard or not.


The teacher admits that his role in developing the curriculum is not maximal. The reasons are because the facility does not support well. For example when the teacher wanted to have outdoor learning, the school situation did not permit to do so. Thus, the learning was then back to the previous one. In KTSP, the facility should support the learning besides the teacher’ skill factor.


The teacher plays  significant role to create the  conducive  situation  in order to help the students learn  English well.


The role of other fellow teachers in developing English


The other fellow teachers may have the same expectation that English teaching is  to make the students speak fluently.

The  teacher  often shares the experience with other fellow teachers to make the vision wider


The  teacher  often shares the experience with other fellow teachers about the problems in teaching, or dealing with the students’ problems. It will be the same measure to take for those certain students. Also the teacher often discusses about the latest method in teaching or lesson plan.

The  teacher often communicates with other fellow teachers about some experiences in the class, the problems they face and the solution on them.


The function and the objective of English at Vocational school


The objective is  to make the graduate students be able to speak in English when they have  worked , also they can practice their English in communicating with  foreigner as the people in the technical areas are mostly foreigner,  so they can practice it.

The function is  at least to make  the students  understand  what the other people say  In English and they  can respond  it. When the students have graduated, they are expected to help them in looking for the job, as  it is often  happened that the job interview is conducted in English


The objective of English teaching is aimed at improving the students’ ability in speaking at the elementary level.

At  SMK or vocational school , the students are expected to have a skill in English  to communicate well in oral or written communication as it is stated  in SK/KD.


The objective  is not only the objectives which have been stated in the government rule, but also the school has particular objective such as preparing the students to have certain characteristics  which make them different from the other school or institution.


The example of competency standard in the class being taught


The teacher should look up the  book first

For an  example , a competency standard is speaking. The evaluation  standard score is 61 . it means that  the students should reach the score of 61 or above to pass the competency. Therefore if he understood what the teacher said and could respond it well , it means that they had fulfilled the standard.


It has been mentioned earlier.

For example in the first grade material, it is about giving direction. Thus  the objective is that the students are expected to be able to show the direction well  using English when somebody is asked for it.


The example of indicator and material of English


The teacher mentions  the example  of SKKD  in the fourth semester , class XI.

SK  is  communicating using English at the elementary level, the KD is understanding  simple instruction , the material is degrees of comparison.  In this topic, the teacher  will ask the students  to come forward to compare the height one another. Then  the students are asked to imitate the pronunciation directed by the teacher. After that, the students are asked to compare the things one another.

For example, the students  are be able to  understand  some basic expression , be able to interact in a social life.


For example, the indicator is the students are able to mention the names of the things and its quality. The material  is about the colour and its size. After mastering the material, the teacher  moves to the other  material  such as adjectives. At  the end of the teaching and learning process , the teacher  always gives the evaluation about the material.


The example of  indicator is that the students are able to communicate  informally when they meet  each other. They should be  able to do greeting well, then asking condition and after that continuing to more personal aspects.


The role of SK/KD regulated by BSNP  in English teaching at SMK


The SK/KD is a  reference  for teachers in teaching English

SKKD  is  to make  the standard the same of  a vocational school to the others.


SK/KD is a guideline for the teacher which directs to the right path . it is obligatory and  gives a direction for the teacher  to make  easier in developing the materials  based on the lines given.


It becomes automatically  a guideline especially dealing with national exam besides the other aspects.


the  problem in implementing  the teaching plan into the process of teaching learning


The teacher found a lot of problems, especially due to the  situation when she was explaining, it  was crowded, and noisy. And the students who are all boys like to just playing not seriously  studying.

The  teacher often finds some problems  dealing with  the class situation which  does not support the learning process to run well. It is not  often according to what has been planned by the teacher.


The solution  is that the teacher makes some adaptation of the lesson plan with the existing condition to reach the objective  of teaching


The teacher  finds some problems, especially  when  he has prepared a lesson plan  from his house, it was not  irrelevant according to the existing class situation.

So the teacher changed  the lesson plan with different method.

The problem deals with developing  the learning material  when  the condition  does not support  it.

The teacher should  look at the  students’ situation.  The students are considered to be the partner, and the teacher is a source of information. The teacher and the students should go on harmoniously, take and give . There  were some students who still did not care of the learning or less motivated . These students  were influenced  by many factors to do so, such as the environment where they live.


The  teacher thinks that there must be a  problem but he has a faith that as a teacher should handle the problem  at his best try with the  existing limited sources


The method usually used in teaching


Lecturing, discussion, question answer etc

Lecturing . firstly the teacher explains, then there is discussion , sometimes role play


Lecturing, discussion, jigsaw (game), inquiry.

The choice of the method depends on the content of the material, the students, and the facility.


Lecturing, drilling, performance especially    or conversation


The problem in using the technique


The teacher finds some problems, for example when she wanted to apply a role play. The students were asked to come forward to do the dialogue. She hoped that the other students who had not got their turn should pay attention to the students   in front of the class. But in fact those students  were just playing,  too many students, too crowded.

The  facility is still to be the obstacle. Also  the form of the students’ tables make it difficult to have a group work.

The time is also still considered to be limited to reach the objective.




The  assessment according to KTSP


Anytime the students give any responses are assessment. The teacher should not focus on the tests. And after teaching process when the teacher gave an assignment, it is also an assessment, direct assessment.

The teacher  focuses on the  individual ability of each students. It is considered to be unfair to judge that all students are equal. Therefore the teacher  looks at the competency of each student whether he has passed the standard or not.


In English  there are  aspects  to evaluate. English  evaluation  is already  KTSP based. For  example, in speaking,  the teacher evaluates the pronunciation, spelling , the sentence mastery, miss words etc.  Also, in English, any materials can cover  writing, reading, or speaking. The evaluation depends on the teacher. The evaluation has been done is not in detail because of the time, but  in general term. The teacher  admitted that he had not  conducted an overall  evaluation .

The teacher focuses on process oriented evaluation.  Anytime  the teacher meets the students , the teacher is conducting an evaluation. The evaluation is dealing with what the students have been done and  what their responds toward the teacher has been assigned. If they respond  well, so the evaluation is good ,as well.


The function of  assessment or evaluation


The function is to make the students know their standard  competency  after having the learning process , so they will know the ability they have been mastered or not.

It is  a barometer  of the students’ achievement


The  general  function of evaluation  is to measure the students’ achievement and the teacher’s achievement . the  teacher  aspect is in term of  how successful  of what the teacher has been taught. Thus, the evaluation is to know  to what extent the success of  the teacher and the students after the teaching learning process has  been conducted. One of the indicators is by looking at  how the students master SK/KD.


The evaluation is made in  any chance the teacher  meets the students. It will  determine the students’ final scored.


The  understanding on KKM


KKM  stands for   Kriteria Ketuntasan Mengajar. It is a standard  in giving the value for the students. When the students  got the score below KKM, so they were considered to be unsuccessful, not pass the criteria , but  if they got the score above the KKM, they are considered to be successful or be competent.

KKM is made in the beginning of the semester

KKM stands for  Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum. It is a  value of the students’ achievement which determines the students’ competency  in English.

KKM is made in the beginning of  a year academy . it is used  as a standard  for the students to  reach.


KKM is Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal. It is made before the teacher starts to teach.

The  underlined process in designing the KKM  follows some process such as  analyzing  SK/KD and then  analyzing  the indicators to determine the value of KKM.  The aspects  influences the KKM are essential, facility  and intake.  There will be KKM SK and KKM KD. KKM KD is a part of  KKM SK.

The KKM is made for one year  or for only a semester.  KKM  for   the two semester  becomes a  subject  KKM.


KKM is Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal.  It is a minimal standard  to reach by the students.  It  is determined by the  learning complexity, facility and  the students’ intake.



The time of evaluation

It has been said in the previous response


In the process of teaching learning and after the process

Every time when the teacher meets the students  conducting an active turn is a part of evaluation. The evaluation is not only at the end of the learning process as a matter of checking, but also in the beginning of the process.  Thus, the  evaluation is conducted  at the beginning, during and at the end   of the learning process.

It has been said in the previous response



The aspects of evaluation


All aspects of evaluation, such as  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor  are  included in the English evaluation. In the rapport book , all aspects  have  own spaces.

All aspects are evaluated. It is evaluated  from the way of how the students understand the teacher’s explanation , also the students’ attitude in the class in the process of learning,  and the achievement after the process


All the three aspects are included into the English evaluation.  In English, there will appear its knowledge (cognitive), the movement ( psychomotor) and the attitude or the effort  ( affective). The affective aspect is sometimes ignored. The teacher then gave an example of affective  evaluation  on a difficult class.


The teacher covers  all aspects in the evaluation-cognitive, affective and psychomotor. For cognitive aspect, the evaluation deals with comprehension of the material. In evaluating the psychomotor, the teacher often asks the students to do monologue or conversation to train the aspect in speaking in front of the class.  For the affective aspect, it is seen from the students’ attitude during the teaching learning process and to what extent the students do the assignments from the teacher.


Whether there is a difference in evaluation system  for the  class X, XI, and XII


It depends on the students’ condition. There  will be a difference. For the first grade ,new students, mostly they are obedient, for class XI students, they are  in the ‘naughty’  era, so  they like to playing not learning, so the evaluation will be different.

It is the same


It is almost similar. The  difference is  compared with  senior high school. There  is a clear direction on the evaluation at senior high school whereas for vocational school, it is more focused on the application.

It is similar.


The technique  and  the form of Item  evaluation 


The item is sometimes made in essay, written and oral evaluation. Then whenever the  students come forward  to do the exercise, they got a score.

The  item form is based on the material given. For example, for listening, it is  oral test. Speaking is oral test. Writing is written test, reading is also written test , how the student understood the text ,etc.


There are many kinds of evaluation techniques, such as multiple choice, essay depending on the  form of evaluation  whether it is oral or written. It is also according to content of the material


The form is often written test, essay -  free and structured  essays , and multiple choice.


The procedure of evaluation dealing with the four skills in English


In speaking, the assessment deals with the  correct intonation and pronunciation.

In reading relates to the way the students read the text and their understanding on the content of the text. Or their answer on the text comprehension questions.

In writing, the students write an application letter for example  or   make a report, etc.

In speaking, the teacher assesses the expression that the students used in  a dialogue with their friends, etc.

In writing, it is a written test item. In reading , the teacher  asks the student to come forward to read. In listening  for example, the teacher speaks, and then ask the students  to respond the question based on the oral text she is  made.


In assessing  speaking, listening, writing and reading, the teacher designed  the assessment aspects  at first to make it easier to determine the evaluation points for  every  student


For listening, in the first grade,  the evaluation tends to  how the students  understand what the teacher  has said. For example, in the dictation, it deals with to what extent that the students can catch the words or sentences pronounced by the teacher.

In conversation, it is more on  performance. How they can respond  correctly, and how they can practice the dialogue with their friends well . thus, it is more on the forming of habit


How to make an evaluation  instruments


It has been said earlier

The instrument of evaluation  is based on the content of the material as it is written in the lesson plan.  So the teacher firstly looks at the material  then she decides which assessment is suitable for it.


It has been said earlier

For certain topics which are not understandable , the teacher gives an explanation more.


The existing  of  enrichment or remedial  teaching learning


There is a remedial teaching, but there is not an enrichment  teaching, because at the school , the students were average, not in a very prominent level.

For remedial teaching is  aimed for  the students  who got the score below the KKM

There is an  enrichment or remedial  teaching learning


The enrichment teaching is aimed for the third grade as the preparation  to take  National Exam. Remedial  teaching is often carried out

For those students who got a bad score or un adequate score of the competency they should master. The teacher gave an example, when he designed a mid term test item which was developed from 2-3  KD, he made some indicators  of the KDs. After delivering the test, he then analyzed it which items could be answered correctly, which are not.  After that for the students who got bad scores , they should have a remedial  course. The remedial is usually taken place  in the next week of the teaching process , so the students can prepare it well before.


Remedial teaching is carried out when the students do not reach the e expected competency.


The feedback  in every meeting


The teacher always gives a feedback  in form of giving big applause  or a compliment

It is usually in the form of discussion, question and answer


It is usually given to them to make the students remind  that English is very important  nowadays.

Feedback is a must.


The  students’ work documentation



The teacher usually checks the work, and then it is returned back to the students. Sometimes it is discussed, sometimes it is not due to the time and the  circumstance that the students has understand it

The students’ work is usually  returned back after it has been checked. There is also discussion on the difficult things. For the project or group work assignments are given back to the students.


The  students’ work is often given back to the students. The teacher had a problem when he wanted to hung the students’ work – individual or group-at the wall in the classroom or at the school. It was missing or broken  because of the class users were changing.




The people who have the right to evaluate the students


Teachers, also  the headmaster, BP teachers, picket officers, and any one in wawasan wiyata mandala

The teacher herself

 The teachers, the students

The teachers, BP/BK teachers


The process of evaluation


By looking at the daily scores, assignments, daily tests,UTS,UKK




The problems in English teaching at the school


There are a lot of problems found especially dealing with vocabularies. The students do not know  the meaning of the words, they do not know  how to pronounce as well, and they mostly  do not have a dictionary .

The school support  are not adequate in facilitating the media  of teaching for example  the existence of tape recorders which are not good enough, the dictionaries in the library are missing, so in teaching is  nothing to do without a dictionary.


The teacher faces the problems dealing with big class, hard to manage the class as there are too many students. And the students’ attention are not focused on the learning.


In term of the evaluation, the teacher finds no problem at all.

According to the teacher, the problems  are dealing with:

*Too many subject s at the vocational school so the students felt burdened

*The students often felt being forced to learn English, not because they  liked it but because they had to.

*the school  system is different from the course system or Pasantren.

In general, the main problem is dealing with motivation. The students have less motivation  in learning


The way to solve the problem


The teacher feels free, enjoys the situation, never being angry , and keeps giving the motivation to the students  that English is very important.


The  teacher thinks over what he has been done and what it has been achieved.

He  made a reflective thought about the reasons and the solution of unsuccessful  teaching.


The problems can relatively be handled.


The criteria of  a student to pass the grade


It depends on many factors such as  daily tests, assignments , personality , mid term and final tests scores, and for the third grade  is influenced  by  national exam score or school exams.

All scores of daily assignments, mid test and final tests  are measured to get the means of them.


The standard is KKM. If the students got the score below the KKM value, it means that they do not pass the grade, and vice versa. They should have a remedial  teaching. The school officer, homeroom teacher also  play important role in determining a student to pass or not to the next grade in the certain meeting.

the criteria is determined by  the meeting board consisting the teachers, and school officers.

The teacher focuses on the students’ motivation to pass or not. The  result is second consideration. He appreciates the student who always presents, has a motivation even though the result is not satisfying. But  for those who are always absent, rarely do the assignments, it means bad mark.


Designing  the test item


The teacher herself  designed the items to assess the four skill.

There should be kisi-kisi first before designing the item. The items were referring  to the SK/KD

The teacher  also designs the  evaluation  rubric to determine the final score.

The teacher herself  designed the items to assess the four skill.

The teacher makes kisi-kisi to make it easier before designing the item. But for the evaluation rubric, sometimes the teacher made it, sometimes not.


The teacher designed the item by himself and made a kisi-kisi  before  that.  Also  he  assigned assessment rubrics.

Sometimes the teacher  designs by himself , sometimes  the item is taken from the existing source. But most are made by the teacher.

Kisi-kisi is made to determine which is for speaking, reading, etc.



The  mastery of the four skills in the school



The students’ ability  in mastering  the four skills are not prominent enough, just average,  there is not  the best in speaking  or reading, it may be caused by  the input  are not good enough, the rest of  state school .

According to the teacher, the students ‘ ability in writing is good enough, but it is lower in the speaking and listening.


The  most skill should  be mastered is speaking , as  the vocational graduate will  directly  relate with the work field.

Nothing is prominent, the students are average.


How to increase the students’ motivation


For example, the students  are asked to watch  the film, then they  have to make a summary about it, or  making a speaking a habit, when  the teacher meets the students, they greet each other using English, but sometimes  most of the students  are shy to make  a mistake  or they are afraid of being laughed by their friends when they practice their English

The teacher usually motivates the students by describing the benefit of mastering English, for example , it is easier to look for the job, as well as to  communicate with foreigner will be easier as English is  a means of international communication

It can be seen from the psychomotor  aspect when the teacher came to the class, judged  the students’ aptitude and interest  directly from the aspect.

Motivation is  a complex thing because it deals not only with what is going on in the class, but also with the environment where the students live ,the family and their friends influence them.

Therefore it should be taken into account the environment outside the class/school  to find the solution of motivation.





The benefit of using KTSP for the teacher



The benefits are a lot, as the students are given  a freedom as well as the teachers  to explore English  deeply beyond the curriculum.

In term of the evaluation, there is a KKM which is made and given by the teachers so the teachers have the power in determining a student to pass the grade  or not .

It is rather difficult to apply. In KTSP, the students  have to reach the KKM. The teacher can not force that all students can fulfill the requirement well because all students have different characteristics. It will work well if  the school uses a university system which allow the students to pass the grade but still have to repeat the un passed course.


KTSP is  an educational school unit curriculum. It is designed based on the school’s strength and weaknesses . a KTSP  curriculum in a school will be different from the others because the facility is different. So  in  designing KTSP, the school takes into consideration  a school character, a school committee, and  community around.

The graduates of the school consider the demand of the  work field  around. So it is expected that they will fill the job opportunity. It can be seen in the extra  curricular lesson. There is a right to be autonomous  for the school to develop their own KTSP.


KTSP gives much freedom  for the teachers to be innovative in the learning process . There  is no rigid rule to do that, to do this.


The teacher’s suggestion or input dealing with the implementation  of KTSP in general.


In KTSP,  national exam  or anything relates to school should be given to the school authority. Especially for the graduation criteria  for the third grade, the government should not interfere. There is a case that a student who  was always absent but he passed the UN, he was considered to pass the grade, whereas  there was a student who was diligent, always came everyday to school, did  all assignments, but unfortunately he did not pass the national exam, so he was judged not to pass the grade. Therefore, too many to sacrifice.

It is better the past situation. The material and the name could be KTSP, but the evaluation should not force the students to reach the standard given. For example , it should be above of 61, but the students have the ability below the criteria.


There is not too much comment on KTSP, especially in the evaluation aspect. It is because that the evaluation  is depending on  the  teacher’s readiness. In  KTSP, the evaluation is various. It depends on the teachers themselves to be creative or not.

The teacher is demanded to widen their vision, increase the knowledge, open our English vision to be more innovative. The  teachers have to change to fill the demand of the changing  era.


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