Tuesday, 29 September 2020

TESISKU "CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Evaluation System of English Teaching in the Implementation of School Based Curriculum (SBC) for Vocational School"


           CHAPTER I


This chapter presents a general description of the study. It covers the background of the study, the problem statements, the objectives of the study, the scope of the study, the significance, and definition of key terms. At the end of this chapter, the organization of the thesis will be presented.


1.1  Background of the Study

A curriculum is concerned with the plan, implementation, evaluation, management, and administration of education programs (Nunan,1988:8). This definition is in line with what the Government (BSNP, 2006) has maintained that curriculum is a set of plans and rules about goals, contents, and learning materials as well as the way of using it as a guidance for the implementation of learning activities aimed at a specific goal. The National Education Department has developed (since 2006) a new curriculum called Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) which is later on called School Based Curriculum (SBC). SBC was designed to be one of the educational innovations to enhance the quality of education.

SBC is viewed as an operational curriculum which is prepared and implemented in each educational unit. In designing SBC, each educational unit should take into account competency standards and basic competences designed by the National Education Standard Bureau or BSNP. Regarding this, Bolstad (2004:7)  maintains that:

However, schools needing to be responsive to their environment alludes to what is arguably the most important rationale for SCBD: the view that SCBD provides a means for shaping curriculum to suit unique local needs and resources of students and communities (2004:7).


In relation to the characteristics of School Based Curriculum, Bolstad (2004:13) points out that teachers are responsible for developing the curricula besides the implementation of the curricula. It means that the teachers should be involved in decision making, relating to the curriculum development and implementation. The teacher should also design and implement their own curriculum in the form of syllabus and lesson plan. Moreover, in Indonesian context, SBC is adaptive in the sense that the teachers can adapt the existing curriculum to meet the local needs.

Unfortunately, since SBC was released in Indonesia, based on the researcher’s observation, the process of learning has not shown changes in the teaching of English particularly at the research site where the researcher teaches. The teaching strategies or approaches that the teachers used seem to be the same as in the previous curriculum. Although there are usually a lot of trainings such as IHT (In House Training) and socialization of SBC in each school unit, SBC has not been fully implemented. This has been reported by Mulyasa (2007) that the implementation of SBC  does not immediately solve the problems because there  is an important question emerging, namely, have any  educational units, school managers, education holder, teachers,  and headmaster,  made  the existing curriculum  as a base in implementing their duties and functions? (translated from Mulyasa:2007:4-5).   

Similarly, Zainurrahman (2009) in his study points out that School Based Curriculum  which is being applied in Indonesia is now perceived as a curriculum that gives place to the variations of the school. The curriculum is built by the school based on consideration of some internal and external significance variables related to the school itself. However, as autonomous curriculum, it also demands teacher and school to be skilled and trained. This demand then causes different perception of the teachers as the curriculum user of the SBC.

Moreover, Suharto (2009) in his study maintains that the implementation of SBC seems not to run well due to some factors such as the teacher’s teaching competence, and no detailed information in SBC needed by the teachers.

Previous studies investigating SBC have been conducted by some researchers such as Hasbullah (2007) ; Halawa (2008) among others.

The first research was conducted by Hasbullah (2007) in his study entitled ‘Desain dan Implementasi SBC Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam’. He conducted a comparative study at secondary high schools. The study reveals that the implementation of SBC in the teaching Pendidikan Agama Islam needs to be improved and completed. There are some aspects in the curriculum implementation such as instructional planning, the teaching learning process, and the evaluation that are still far  from the expectation of the curriculum. Moreover in the evaluation stage, Hasbullah reported, the teachers did not do the evaluation during  the teaching process but only the evaluation after the teaching has been ended, and there is not much variation of the evaluation aspects.

 Another study was conducted by Halawa (2008) in his study about ‘Implementasi KTSP  Mata Pelajaran Matematika di SMAN Sirombu’. The result of the research describes that there were  good participation from teachers in making syllabus and lesson plan. But, the implementation of the teaching and learning process was not suitable with the plan that  had been made.

The two studies above gave an idea to conduct a further study on the implementation of SBC in the researcher’s field of study,  that is English. At the same time, English is very important as a tool for international communication.

In addition, through this study, the researcher chose different participants in another level of education who have not been investigated yet, that is vocational students.

Therefore, looking at the fact in the field on the implementation of SBC and   related previous studies, the researcher was motivated to conduct a study on the implementation of SBC. To make deeper research, the focus of the research is on the evaluation system. The evaluation is one of the important aspects in teaching besides the planning and the process of English instruction. As Gronlund (1985:6) maintains:

The main purpose of  classroom instruction  is to help  pupils achieve a set of intended learning outcome. These outcomes  would typically include all desired pupil changes in the intellectual, emotional, and physical spheres. When classroom instruction is viewed in this way, evaluation  becomes an important part of the teaching – learning process. Intended learning outcomes are established by the instructional objectives; the desired changes in pupils are brought  about  by the planned learning objectives; and the pupils’ changes in learning progress is periodically evaluated by tests and other evaluation devices.


Similarly, Sudjana (2006:v) points out that evaluation is one of the strategies in enhancing the quality of teaching learning process and of the learning outcome.

The researcher is a more interested in the evaluation because she considers this aspect of teaching is not well-administered and well-defined based on her observation on the teaching practice at the schools where she teaches. Based on the discussion with her fellow teachers, it is found that evaluation is very hard to do in measuring the students’ achievement fairly, at the same time, some of the teachers did not have a complete format in their evaluation. Therefore, a deep investigation of the evaluation is expected to give a new vision and a refreshment of how evaluation should be like. Also, it is hoped that the writer will find the real description of the English evaluation. Later on, the fact found in the field is contrasted with the related theory of the evaluation system. Therefore, if there is a gap, there will be a solution. If there is not, there will be a suggestion for the betterment of the evaluation system in the future.

The researcher also explores the problems faced by the teachers related to the evaluation, and the students’ responses toward the evaluation in a private vocational school in south Bandung.

The researcher chose the vocational school due to the fact that the researcher is a teaching staff at a vocational school. This was expected to make the research easier to accommodate since the teachers, the students, and the personnel of the school are familiar with the researcher. At the same time, it is also expected that the result of the study will be natural. Moreover, nowadays a vocational education is paid a serious attention by the government (Sinar Harapan,12/2/2010). Vocational schools are an alternative way to reduce unemployment (Khalik, 2008). New graduates from the junior high school are recommended to enter this kind of education. Therefore, the study is expected to give much contribution to society as vocational school students are given a high expectation to reduce unemployment.

 Finally, the results of the study can provide teachers with knowledge about the evaluation system of the existing curriculum in the teaching of English. The results of the study can give a clear description of how SBC is implemented in term of the evaluation aspect for English teaching, some problems and its solution, for better practice of the implementation of SBC in the future.


1.2   Problem Statements

This study was focused on answering the following research questions.

1.      How is SBC   implemented with the specific reference to the evaluation system in English teaching   for the students of a vocational school?

2.      What are the problems faced by the teachers in administering evaluation?

3.      What are the students’ responses toward the evaluation system?


1.3   The Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problems, the study were:

1.      To find out  the implementation of  SBC  in the teaching of  English for the first, the second, and the third grades students at a private vocational school in South Bandung in terms of  the evaluation system.

2.      To explore the problems of  the evaluation  system based on SBC Curriculum at a private vocational school in South Bandung.

3.      To describe the students’ responses toward the evaluation system at a private vocational school in South Bandung.





1.4   The Scope of the Study

            The scope of the study was limited to exploring the implementation of the evaluation system in English teaching of the students in all grades at the school in the second semester, then finding out some problems faced by the teachers related to the evaluation system, and at last elaborating the students’ responses toward the evaluation system. The instruments used in collecting the data were observation, questionnaires, interview and document analysis.


1.5   Significance of the Study

        The result of the study is expected to give some beneficial contributions to the theory, educational practice and professional practice in EFL context in Indonesia.

The theoretical significance of this study is that it is expected to enrich the literature about the curriculum development of English, especially the implementation of evaluation system for vocational school. Moreover, practically, the study provides a real description of the implementation of SBC   in the real situation especially in term of the evaluation system. For the teachers themselves, the result of the study will hopefully  give a solution of the problems they face or a suggestion for betterment in the teaching of English. For the school decision maker, the result of the study will give a second consideration in making a certain policy related to evaluation. Finally, in terms of professional practice, the results of the study will hopefully give a meaningful input or as a reference for English teachers on how to implement the SBC curriculum especially in the evaluation system at a vocational school.


1.6    Definitions of Key Terms

There are some key terms used in the paper, such as evaluation, SBC and vocational school. Evaluation  refers to “ the systematic inquiry into instructional sequences  for the purpose of making  decisions or providing opportunity  for reflection and action”. Evaluation program often makes use  of data from language assessment, along with  non- assessment data, to arrive at  its conclusion (Lynch,2005:1). Evaluation in the study refers to the  assessments that the teachers have been carried out during  the teaching process and after the teaching process. It is also included the evaluation on the midterm test and final test. Therefore, evaluation and assessment stated here in the paper are interchangeable. Meanwhile SBC stands for Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (School Based Curriculum). It refers to the curriculum that has been regulated to be applied at schools  in Indonesia since 2006. Finally, vocational School in the study refers to a private vocational school majoring in automotive and mechanical   engineering, located in Soreang, South Bandung as the site of the study.


1.7  Organization of the Thesis

Title: The Evaluation System  of  English Teaching in the Implementation  of SBC for

           Vocational School

(A Case Study at a Private  Vocational School in Soreang, South Bandung, West Java)

Chapter I Introduction

This chapter elaborates some general background information about the study, starting from the reason of choosing the topic, the purpose of the study, the scope and the problems statement, and finally, the clarification of the main terms used in the paper.

Chapter II Literary Review

It presents some relevant literature as the basic points of the study, especially dealing with evaluation in the English teaching for vocational school. It also elaborates some previous research which supports the study and the gap that the study will fill (Emilia, 2008: 164).

Chapter III Methodology

It presents the research design that is used in the study, also the methods used to collect the data, and to analyze the obtained data. The instruments of the study are also stated in this chapter.

Chapter IV Result and Discussion

In the chapter IV, it is explored the findings of the study that have been gained from the collected data and the result of the data analysis. The discussion of the findings is also elaborated here.

Chapter V Conclusion and  Recommendation

This is the end of the paper, presenting the conclusion of the findings of the study. The recommendation for future research is also defined here.


1.8 Synthesis

This chapter has discussed the introduction part of the study. It provided the background of the study, the problem statements, the objectives of the study, the scope of the study, the significance, the definition of key terms, and the organization of the thesis. Moreover, the details of the theoretical foundation will be explained in the next chapter. 

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