Tuesday, 29 September 2020

The Data Analysis from the Observation (The Result of My Study)


4.1.2        The Data Analysis  from the Observation

The  observation was conducted to find out the answer for the first research question  dealing  with how  SBC  is implemented  in  the teaching of English  especially in the evaluation of  English  for the  students in the first, second and third grade  in the research site.

The observation was carried out 6 times in which each session was attended for 4 teaching periods (24 learning hour). The classes which were observed were X TKR 2, X TKR 3, X TKR 5, X Mesin 1, XI Mesin 1, XI TKR 4. The class XII was not observed because the researcher was not permitted to conduct the observation due to the National Exam preparation.

The observation was done through videotaping of what was going on in the class. The researcher acted as a non participant observer, just sat at the back and took the description of what happened in the class (Cresswell, 2003). The aspects being observed were the teacher, the students, the teacher-students interaction. The measurement of the observation employed note takings/note field in interpreting the findings. The transcription of observation can be seen on the Appendix 1. 

The result of the observation indicates that the teachers meet some characteristics of  what Brown (2001: 430)  has characterized on the features of a good language teaching such as stimulates interaction, cooperation, and teamwork in the classroom; sets short term and long-term goals for continued professional growth; and  is well-organized in the appearance. The lack of pedagogical skills can be found in terms of monitoring lessons as they unfold; understanding and using a wide variety of  techniques; using effective, clear presentation skills (Brown,2001:430). Based on the points stated by Brown (2001:432-435), some weaknesses are found:

a.       The teachers mostly did not review the previous material and did not look ahead to new material.

b.      The percentage of the students’ activity was  not the students production of the language. Most of the activities in the class were receptive, generally in writing and listening.

c.       Mostly, the teachers did not use illustrations or examples  effectively. The use of media was  rarely  found.

d.      Most of the teachers did not adequately control and direct the class during the overall activities.  Mostly, the students were crowded, busy talking when the teachers were explaining.

However, in reference to Brown (2001), it can be found some strengths in the process of teaching learning in the observed classes, as follows:

a.       the goals/objectives were apparent. Some of the teachers wrote  the objectives of the teaching, some just mentioned the goals so the objectives of the teaching in that day were clearly stated.

b.      The teachers often moved around the class and made eye contact with the students during the process of teaching learning process.

c.       The teachers knew the students’ names in each classes they taught.

d.      In the personal appearance, all the teachers were neat, fresh and comfortable in their appearance. They had an appropriate appearance as a ‘teacher’.

e.       The teachers often encouraged the students to do their best during the activities that the students carried out in the class.

Based on the researcher’s notes, there were some points or activities in the teaching that reflected the evaluation process:

1.      Checking the students’ understanding by asking questions based on the previous explanation.

2.      Raising  hands to answer the teacher’s question were given score although the answers were wrong. Coming  forward was also given a score.

3.      Answering the teacher’s questions in the exercises during the class activities was scored.

4.      Giving the assignments after the class activity had been ended is also an evaluation.

The results in note takings are in line with Singh’s opinion (1996)who says  that it is important to understand that no single assessment method can completely measure a student's range of skills and knowledge in a content area. Thus, it is necessary to use several types of assessment methods to help students learn about their skills in even a single content area. However, the result is contrary to the previous study by Hasbullah (2007) that in the evaluation stage, the teachers did not do the evaluation during the teaching process but the evaluation  after the teaching process.

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