Classroom Observation 4
Kompetensi Dasar / BC
:1.6 Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal
perjalanan kendaraan umum, dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas
Teacher :
Yulius Usman,
Participant : Students at XTKR 3
Place and
Date : March 3, 2011, SMK Merdeka
(Class X TKR 3)
Time : 09.30-12.00
Strategies |
Teacher’s Activities |
Activities |
A. Pre Activities |
and asked about the students’ condition. |
and responding. |
teacher wrote the topic would be discussed on the board. The topic was “ the (traffic) sign”. The teacher stated the
objective of the learning at that
time that was knowing the sign that we found in our
daily life. The teacher asked the students what they knew about the
topic, and directed them to the topic
by question and answer. The teacher also told the benefit of the topic. |
responded the teacher’s question. T:
do you know what is it? S1:
gambar… S2:
sign up ..Pak…fb..fb.. S3:
lambang.. |
B. Main Activities |
motorcycle T
: kalau ada sign gini. what’s the meaning of this sign? S1
: Ferbodden T ; ferbodden itu artinya apa? C : dilarang masuk. T : nggak boleh masuk. Itu artinya
kita nggak boleh masuk jalan itu…kan? C : jadi harus belok. T
: what will happen if you didn’t know the meaning of the sign. Apa yang akan terjadi jika kamu nggak tahu
arti dari tanda tersebut? C
: tabrakan ..cilaka..palaur… T
: ini kan satu arah …kan .motor beca,
karetek.truk lewat sini..suddenly
you are from here using motorcycle ..get in the street ..and… (crashed)you
may get an accident here. Note
: T – teacher; C : class ; S -student |
students responded the teacher’s question. |
teacher asked the students to look up chapter six, and he
encouraged the students to know the meaning of the title and the
learning outcome. |
students opened their textbooks on the required page. |
teacher asked one of the students to
read aloud the introduction remark of
the chapter.
student called ‘ Iman’ read the text. |
teacher corrected the wrong
pronunciation directly. And he gave an example by re-read the text loudly. |
students listened to the teacher. |
teacher asked another student to re-read once more. |
student called ‘ Kamal’ re-read the text loudly. |
teacher then translated the text
together with the students. |
students along with the teacher translated the text. |
teacher dictated the sentences
showing the meaning of some signs and symbols based on the pictures on the
section 1. 1.
Don’t Turn around 2.
Don’t park 3.
No smoking 4.
Turn left 5.
Don’t enter the road 6.
Don’t blow the horn 7.
Be careful! Or
don’t drive so fast! 8.
Turn right 9.
Don’t touch anything 10. Don’t take
photograph. |
students wrote the sentences being dictated. |
teacher asked some students to write
the answers on the board. |
students who were called by the teacher came forward and wrote the answers on
the board. |
teacher along with the students
discussed the right answers. |
students along with the teacher discussed the right answers. |
the teacher was checking the previous homework, the students were asked to
translate the meaning of the sentences. The teacher
called the students three by three according to the attendance list and checked the previous homework and gave the scores on the note. |
students translated the meaning of the
sentences. The students come forward with their note book. |
The teacher walked around, checking the students’ work on the exercise
after checking the homework. |
students were checked, some wrote the exercise. |
The teacher and the students discussed the
answers altogether. 1.
Don’t Turn around …dilarang memutar 2.
Don’t park
….dilarang parkir 3.
No smoking….jangan merokok 4.
Turn left….belok kiri 5.
Don’t enter the road…jangan masuk jalan ini …dilarang
masuk jalur ini.. 6.
Don’t blow the horn.. blow itu biasanya meniup ..jadi dilarang membunyikan klakson 7.
Be careful! Or
don’t drive so fast!....hati-hati .atau jangan mengendarai terlalu
cepat. 8.
Turn right…… belok kanan 9.
Don’t touch anything….jangan sentuh apapun 10. Don’t take
photograph…jangan mengambil foto atau dilarang memotret. |
The teacher and the students discussed the
answers altogether. |
The teacher then underlined some words and give a circle of some words. 1.
Don’t Turn around 2.
park 3.
No smoking 4.
Turn left 5.
Don’t enter the road 6.
Don’t blow the horn 7.
Be careful! Or don’t
drive so fast! 8.
Turn right 9.
Don’t touch anything 10. Don’t take photograph. The teacher further explained about command
and prohibition T : Berdasarkan analisis ini, yang digaris bawahi ini disebutnya …prohibition atau
artinya larangan. Yang dilingkari (here : italic) …perintah atau command There are two patterns : 1.
Prohibition ( larangan) 2.
(perintah 1.
Prohibition atau larangan larangan bisa pakai dua
: a.
No + Gerund Gerund
itu Verb 1 + ing Misalnya
: smoke + ing = smoking ..jadi no smoking. No singing. No
laughing..pokoknya yang pake dech. b.
Bisa juga pake
‘Don’t”…+ Verb 1 Pake verb 1 ..nggak
pake ing! Misalnya “ don’t try at home …don’t cry to me…don’t turn
left Kemudian yang kedua 2.
Command (perintah) a.
Be + adj Yang pakai be patient! Bersabarlah …be
careful! Berhati-hatilah… b.
Sebagai Kata kerja
langsung Turn right ..belok
kanan! Turn left ..belok
kiri |
students paid attention. |
teacher asked the students to make two
sentences consisting of command and
prohibition. As many students got many problems in completing the exercise,
the teacher asked the students to do
the exercise on the textbook first (page 134,Act 2). |
The students did the exercise. The
students continued doing the exercise from the text book. |
teacher walked around checking
the students’ work and giving some
direction for some students who got
problems. |
Some students still ask the question. Some
were answering the exercise. |
teacher checked the students’ work by
calling their names, and gave a score on it.The teacher
checked from the attendance
list to make sure that all the students had submitted the exercise. |
students submitted their work
to their teacher in front of the class as the teacher call their
names. They showed their work three
by three to the teacher and he gave
the score on it. |
The teacher asked the students to do the
exercise on page 135-136, the task was
matching the symbols with
the meanings. The teacher gave
certain directions first before the students did the exercise. |
The students were doing the exercise while the teacher was checking the rest of the students who had not
finished the previous work. All the students had to do the exercise. |
The teacher discussed the answers along
with the students. |
The students discussed the answers along
with the teacher. |
C. Closing |
teacher gave homework for next meeting
and gave explanation on it. |
Some students asked some questions dealing with
the homework. |
Greeting. |
Greeting. |
Conclusion |
The teacher evaluated the students mostly in form of written exercises besides
reading aloud, and participation in answering the teacher’ question. The
teacher discussed the answers of the exercises with all students in the
class, not individually tested. The
teacher also motivated the students to speak in form of delivering questions
to the students on the topic being discussed. The class was calm, and the interaction between
the teacher-the students were good enough. The teacher gave homework to the students as the follow –up activity. |
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