This chapter elaborates the findings of the study that have been gained
from the result of the data analysis. The discussion of the findings is given
in three different sections dealing with the research questions. To be
discussed in the first section is the discussion of data from the teachers’ interview, the
class observation and the document analysis, as the answers to the first
research question, that is ‘how is SBC
implemented with the specific
reference to the evaluation system in English teaching for the students at a vocational school?’. The
second section presents and discusses data from the teachers’ interview as the
answers to the second research question, that is ‘what are the problems faced
by the teachers in administering evaluation?’. The third section elaborates the
presentation and the discussion of data from the students’ interview and
questionnaire, as the answers to the third question, that is ‘what are the students’
responses toward the evaluation system?’. The overall discussion of the findings
can be described in the section 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, with a synthesis at the end
of the chapter.
4.1 How
SBC is Implemented with the Specific Reference to the Evaluation System at a Vocational School
4.1.1 Data Analysis on the Teachers’ Interview
The teachers’ responses in the interview can be seen in Table 4.14 in the
Appendix 3. From the result on the teacher’s interview, it can be concluded
some important points:
Firstly, all the teachers have got
some experiences in teaching as the fact that they have been teaching for many
years. Additionally, all the teachers have got some trainings or workshops
dealing with SBC.
Secondly, SBC is used as the
curriculum in the present teaching. Moreover, the teachers’ understanding on
SBC is varied. A teacher relates SBC as the curriculum which applies evaluation
with certain standards. The others say that SBC describes how the teacher
should teach. The two respondents have similar opinion that SBC should be
implemented based on the school situation, as well as the need of the society
The result is in line with Zainurrahman
study (2009) that shows that SBC causes different perception of the teachers
as the curriculum user of the SBC. Additionally, it is relevant to what Bolstad
(2004:7) says that the teachers are responsible for developing the
curricula besides the implementation of the curricula. It means that the
teachers should be involved in decision making, relating to the curriculum
development and implementation.
Along with this, the respondents’ opinion on the difference between SBC
and the previous curriculum is mostly the same. They elaborate that there must
be differences between the curriculums.
The differences are regarding the point of teaching, autonomy for the school,
need and interest of the students and society. Only one respondent says it is
the same. The response is in line with Bolstad’s
idea (2004) that School based curriculum is adaptive in the sense
that the teachers can adapt the existing
curricula to meet the local needs.
Most of the English teachers agreed that the function or the objective of
English at the vocational school is focused on communicative purpose, that enables
the students to communicate well both
oral and written communication as the demand of work field. There is another opinion that is to help the
students to have certain characteristics
which make them differ from the others. The teachers’ responses are
similar to Lewy(1991), Lynch (1996), Smith (1997) and BSNP (2006) among others.
Lewy (1991) maintains each school is based in a small community and each community can have slightly different needs from other, even neighbouring communities. In addition, Lynch (1996) points out
that the school-based learning component of the youth apprenticeship program
should be designed to integrate academic disciplines, academic and vocational
subjects, as well as the work-based learning component. BSNP (2006) maintains
that the objectives of education in vocational school is to enhance intelligence,
knowledge, personality, good morale, and skills to live independently and or to continue further
education according to their vocational skills. A study by Smith (Smith, 1997) indicates
that as with occupational/ technical skills, the vocational educators perceived
a need for a higher prior mastery skill level for employment.
Regarding the Syllabus, all teachers understand well the CS/BS
(Competency Standard/Basic Competence) in the class where they taught, and can
give an example of indicator and the relevant material. The role of CS/BC is
viewed as the reference, the guideline, the direction to the right path and or
the standard in teaching. It is in line
with BSNP’s description (2006)
about developing School Based Curriculum.
Regarding the teachers’ concept
of the evaluation, the responses are varied. According to the
teachers, the evaluation is conducted in many ways. The first respondent says
that it is carried out whenever the students give any responses during the
learning process. Therefore, the teacher should not focus on the tests. Assessment is also
conducted after the teaching process when the teacher gives an assignment.
to the second respondent, the evaluation focuses on the individual ability of
each students. It is considered unfair to judge that all students are equal.
Therefore the teacher looks at the
competency of each students whether they have passed the standard or not.
to the third respondent, in English there are
some aspects to be evaluated.
English evaluation is already SBC based according to him, for example, in speaking, the teacher evaluates
the pronunciation, spelling, the sentence mastery, so on. Also, in English, any kinds of teaching materials
can cover writing, reading, or speaking. The evaluation depends on the teacher.
The teacher admitted that he has not conducted the evaluation well.
Based on the fourth respondent’s view, the teacher focuses on process
oriented evaluation. Whenever the teacher meets the students, the teacher
conducts an evaluation. The evaluation is dealing with what the students have
done and what their responses toward the teacher’s assignment. According to the
respondent, if they respond well, the
evaluation will be good, as well.
The functions of assessment or evaluation based on the teachers are
varied. The responses are as follows:
firstly, the function is to make the students know their standard competence
after having the learning process, they will know whether they have
mastered the material or not.
Secondly, it is functioned as a barometer of the students’ achievement.
Thirdly, the general function of evaluation is to measure the students’ and the
teacher’s achievement in terms of how
successful of what the teacher has taught. Thus, the evaluation is conducted to
know the success of the teacher and the students after the teaching
learning process completes. One of the indicators is by looking at how the students master CS/BS. At last, the
evaluation is made in any chance the teacher
meets the students. It will determine the students’ final score.
The teachers’ responses on the concept and the function of the evaluation
are in line with some basic theories on the previous section, especially as
BSNP (2006) and Gronlund (1985). They maintain that evaluation is a whole range
of activities to find, analyze, and interpret the process and learning outcome data which is conducted systematically and continually in
order to get meaningful information in making decision. It can be undertaken
during and after the class session. However, the result is in the opposite side
to the previous study, Hasbullah (2007) which indicates that evaluation is
conducted at the end of session.
The teachers’ understanding on MMC are basically the same. It stands for Minimum
Mastery Criteria (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum in Indonesian Language), which is
made at the beginning of the academic year. It is a minimal standard value to be reached by the students to pass the
grade. The factors influencing the MMC are namely intake, facility, complexity,
essential. The responses are in line with what BSNP (2006) has maintained.
In term of the time of evaluation based on the teachers’ view is also
various. The evaluation is conducted
a. the
students give responses during the
process or after the end of the class.
b. the
teacher meets the students, but the focus is on the process.
c. the
teaching learning process takes place and after the process
d. the
students conduct an active turn. The
evaluation is at the beginning,
during and at the end of the learning
The result is
similar to some points of Gronlund
(1985), Rudiana (2006) and Heaton (1995)
that intended learning outcomes are established by the instructional
objectives; the desired changes in pupils are brought about
by the planned learning objectives; and the pupils’ changes in learning
progress is periodically evaluated by tests and other evaluation devices
(Gronlund:1985, Rudiana:2006).
The aspects of the evaluation cover cognitive (dealing with knowledge),
psychomotor (dealing with the movement/skill), and affective (attitude or the
students’ effort) as suggested by BSNP (2006) and Herrick (1996). The
evaluation system among the grades are
similar; but the result of the evaluation will be different depending on the
development growth in each grade according to the teacher.
The technique of evaluation covers oral and written
evaluation in the forms of essay- free
and structured essays, multiple choice,
oral test or performance. The choice whether it is oral and written evaluation
depends on the content of the material, but, the result is contrary to the
students’ questionnaire that most of the evaluation techniques is written test.
The techniques also did not fulfill some categories of the techniques and the
instrument form which had been outlined by BSNP (2006) as discussed in the
previous section. Therefore, the techniques of evaluation should be improved
and completed.
The procedure of evaluation dealing with four skills in English which is
conducted by the teachers covers some points: in speaking, the assessment deals
with the correct intonation, pronunciation, the expression that the students
used in a dialogue with their friends,
so on. In reading, it relates to the way
the students read the text and their understanding on the content of the text
or their answer on the text comprehension questions or reading aloud. In
writing, the students write an application letter for example or
make a report, so on. In listening
for example, the teacher speaks, and then asks the students to respond the question based on the oral
text she is made.
Dealing with the assessment of speaking, listening, writing and reading,
the teachers designed the assessment
aspects at first to make it easier to
determine the evaluation points for
every student. For listening, in
the first grade, the evaluation tends to assess how the students understand what the teacher has said, for example, in the dictation, it
deals with to what extent that the students can catch the words or sentences
pronounced by the teacher. In conversation, it focuses on performance. How they
can respond correctly, and how they can practice the dialogue with their friends
well. Therefore, it is more on the forming of habit.
The result of the teacher responses indicate some points reflected in the
previous theories (Heaton:1995, Nunan:1998, Hughes:2003 among others) which
define some points of evaluation on the
four skills of English, however there should be a lot of improvement in term of
a wide variety of the evaluation techniques dealing with English language
Enrichment teaching is aimed for the third grade only as the preparation
of having National Exam, whereas for the remedial teaching and learning is
conducted when the students have not reached the determined standard or the
gained score is below the MMC. Moreover, the feedback is given in every session
in the form of a big applause or a compliment, discussion-question and answer,.
The result of the teacher’ responses on MMC is in line to BSNP (2006) on the
stages in evaluation. Also, it is as suggested by Brown (2001) that the teacher
should give optimal feedback to students.
The teachers take into account the daily test score, the assignments, the
midterm and final test score, and the behavior including the motivation of the
students in determining whether a student
pass the grade or fail. The final decision is usually taken in a meeting
board consists of the teachers, the school officers and homeroom teacher. It is
in line with the internal and external evaluation as suggested by Heaton
In designing the test items, all the
teachers made the test by themselves and or took the existing test source with some adaptation. They also made kisi-kisi or the direction standard and the assessment rubric before designing
the test item.
According to most of the teachers, the mastery of four skills among the
students are average. The focus in teaching is speaking
as demanded by work force. A teacher
said that the students’ ability in writing is good but less in speaking and listening.
There are a lot of strategies in increasing the students’ motivation
based on the teachers’ opinion such as:
a. Creating
interesting activities or assignments such as watching film and making summary
about it in order to make speaking English as a habit.
b. Elaborating
the benefit of mastering English as an international language for communication for the future work.
c. Finding
out the source of the problem because the low motivation is often influenced
not only by the classroom situation but also by the environment where the
students live and by their friends with whom they socialize. After the problem
has been traced, the solution can be selected.
The teachers should take into account to what the China paper (2011) has elaborated about the problem of lack of motivation in English
learning in China. Task based learning is expected to be implemented to solve
the problem in the site of study.
SBC were viewed beneficial for most of the teachers, but one respondent
gave a negative response toward SBC. The teacher viewed that the benefits of SBC are a lot, it gives the students a freedom as
well as the teachers to explore
English deeply beyond the curriculum. In
terms of the evaluation, there is an MMC which is made and given by the
teachers. Other teachers considered SBC as an educational school unit
curriculum. It is designed based on the school’s strength and weaknesses. The
other thinks that SBC curriculum in a school will be different from the others
because the facility is different. Therefore, in designing SBC, the school
takes into consideration the school character, the school committee, and the community
around. The graduates of the school should fulfill the demand of the work
field around. One of the teachers has a
different opinion on SBC. Instead of benefit, it has also a weakness, it is
rather difficult to apply. In SBC, the students have to reach the MMC. Meanwhile, the
teacher cannot force that all students can fulfill the requirement well because
all students have different characteristics. It will work well if the school uses a university system which
allow the students to pass the grade but still have to take again the course.
The result on the benefit of SBC above
indicates that most of the teachers gave a positive attitude on SBC, though one
respondent viewed in the opposite side. It is consistent with Zainurrahman
(2009) study that as autonomous
curriculum, SBC demands teacher and school to be skilled and trained. This
demand then causes different perception of the teachers as the curriculum user
of the SBC.
At last, the teachers give some suggestion
on the implementation of SBC in general, the evaluation in detail, such as:
a. In
SBC, national exam or anything relates to school should be given to the school
authority. For the graduation criteria
for the third grade in particular, the government should not interfere.
There is a case when a student who was
always absent can pass the UN, he was considered to pass the grade,
whereas there was a student who was
diligent, always came everyday to school, did
all assignments, unfortunately did not pass the national exam, so he was
judged not to pass the grade, based on the first respondent’s view.
b. A
teacher had no comment on SBC, especially in the evaluation aspect. It is
because that the evaluation is depending
on the
teacher’s readiness. In SBC, the
evaluation is varied. It depends on the teachers’ creativity.
c. The
teacher is required to widen their vision, increase their knowledge, open their
English vision to be more innovative. The teachers have to change their strategies to fill the demand of the
changing era according to the
It is also similar to Zainurrahman
(2009) who argues that SBC causes
different perception of the teachers as the curriculum user of the SBC. In addition, as Lewy (1991) maintains that the
diversification of curricula used in schools may jeopardize the content validity or the
curriculum-fairness of nationally
produced examinations.
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