Tuesday, 29 September 2020





Alhamdulillah, Praise be upon Allah, the Lord of the universe. This thesis has been completed with great support and assistance from many people. Therefore, I would like to thank and appreciate them  very deeply. In this respect, I would like to address my deepest gratitude and appreciation to :

1.      Prof. DR. H. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed, and Bachrudin Musthafa, M.A.,Ph.D, my supervisors for their knowledge, encouragement, valuable guidance, fruitful advice and patience  during the completion of the study.  I am deeply indebted to both of them.

2.      Drs. H. Wawan Mulyawan, the Headmaster of SMK Merdeka Soreang for his support, kindness and help to conduct the study at the school.

3.      My fellow teachers at SMK Merdeka Soreang i.e. Ida Nuraeni, S.Pd, Siti Erna,S.S., Yulius Usman, S.Pd., and Asep Cucu, S.Pd, who have given sincere help and kindness to be involved in the study.

4.      All my students at SMK Merdeka Soreang especially  Class X TKR 2, TKR 3, TKR 5, TM1; Class XITKR 1, TM1, TKR 4 ; class XII M1, M2, TKR 2,TKR 3, for their help and patience in giving some data for the study.

5.      All lecturers of English Department especially Prof. DR. Chaedar A, M.A., DR. Yoyo Suryakusumah, M.A., Hj. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Phd,  for their kindness and support.

6.      My classmates of 2009 English Department especially Sri Fina, Naniek Jusnita, Suhaimi Tegamuni, Endi, Jaya, Siti Yuliah, Marsita, Delsa, Suwandi, among

others for their sincere friendships, love, support, and  help during my study at UPI. I would like to address a special thank to Udi Samanhudi for his suggestion, support and correction. Also, Fajri Nur Yusuf, Dessy Restu Maulida, Ika Yatmikasari, for their friendship, support and correction.

7.      My big family, Kang Iyan, my lovely husband; my children: Rifki Akbar Al Fatah, Raihan Aulia Anugrah, and Gebby Rizki Aditya; for their love, support and prayer during my study. To them all, I dedicate this thesis.

8.      My Parents, Ma Onah and Pa Darsa (alm); My brothers: Drs Aye Suparman, M.Si., Aa Darus, Wawan; My sisters: Ceu Oon, Isum and Eni for their prayer and support.

9.      The Headmaster of SMPN 1 Cangkuang, Suherman, S.Pd for his kindness and support to give a chance and permission to conduct my study at UPI.

10.  All teachers at SMPN 1 Cangkuang who have given any support and encouragement to finish my study at UPI.







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