Tuesday, 29 March 2022




NAME : ……………..


I.                   Multiple choice

Read the text bellow carefully and answer the questions for number 1 to 4 !

The Flowers from The Moon

    One day high in the mountains lived a prince whose great wish was to journey to the moon ,because he love its gentle glow. His dream finally came true. When he reached the moon he discovered its light came from the moon king’s beautiful daughter.
   The two young people  soon fall in love, but the worlds they come was just too different and soon they had to part. As a sign of her great love, the moon king’s daughter give the prince one of the smooth and lovely flowers that covered the moon like snow and this was how the first alpine flower was bring to earth.













 1. When did the story happen ?

                  A.   One day                  B.  The following day            C.   Yesterday              D. Last month

      2. Where did the story take place ?

A.                 Sun                 B. Moon                     C. High in the mountain           D.   Earth

3.                  What did the prince great wish ?

             A.     Journey to the moon                                                     C.   Journey to the sun

                   B.    Journey to the star                                                          D.   Journey to the earth

      4. Why did the prince had such a wish ?

           A.   Because he loved the moon’s shape              C.   Because he loved the moon’s size

           B.   Because he loved the moon’s gentle glow      D.   Because he loved the moon’s bright


      Read the text bellow carefully and answer the questions for number 5 to 8 !

I wake up to that familiar feeling in my gut, a turmoil that reminds me of the challenge that I am about to face. It’s race day. I didn’t sleep very well last night. I tossed and turned, and when I did sleep, I dreamt about running and racing and outcomes good and bad.

I get up and unfold the red, black and white uniform that represents me as a runner, my accomplishments, and the races to come. I dress in my “lucky” outfit which means the same socks, same sports bra, same hair ties and includes the same breakfast, same routine every race day so we can reassure ourselves that this race day will be a good race day. Racing is a huge mental game. And whatever helps me cope with that stress of not knowing the outcome of the race before I race, I go for it. …(taken from Autumn Eastman Blog)














5.What is the story about?

    A. a story about a runner                                                     C.  A race day

    B. racing and running                                                           D.  a mental game


6. “I tossed and turned, and when I did sleep, I dreamt about running….” (Paragraph 1)

   The underlined word has similar meaning to ………….

A.    move                              B. change                    C. jump                       D. hit


7. Why  does the writer not sleep well?

   A. she  wants to race                                                            C. she is a runner


B. she needs accomplishment                                                 D. she will have a race

8. “And whatever helps me cope with that stress of not knowing the outcome of the race before I  

       race, I go for it… (last sentence, Paragraph 2). The word “ it” refers to ….

A.    Stress                             B. outcome                  C. race                         D. I

   The following text is for Questions number 9 to 10!

Hi Diandra,

There will be a garden party at my house,

Please come tomorrow  at 4 p.m.

Call me if you can come


9.     What kind of party will be held?

     A. school party                   B. garden party                        C. birthday party          D. school celebration


10.  When will the party be held?

     A. at midnight                     B. in the morning        C. in the evening         D. in the afternoon

The following text is for Questions number 11 to 14!


Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. He came from a wealthy family and never had to work. He studied medicine and theology. In 1831 he graduated from University of Cambridge with a degree of theology.

He began a career as a scientist quite by chance. On December 27,1831, 22 years old Charles Darwin joined the crew of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist. The five years expedition collected hydrographic, geologic, and meteorologic data from South America and many other regions around the world. Darwin's own observation on this voyage led to his theory of natural selection.

Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Sedgwick and naturalist John Henslow in his development of the theory of natural selection, which was to become the foundation concept supporting the theory of evolution. Darwin's theory holds that environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in individuals and groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary for survival. This revolutionary theory was published in 1859 in Darwin's now famous on the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

11. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution believed that ....
A.  people could defend themselves naturally            C. environment affected natural election  
B.  organism needed adaptation to survive                D. people and nature supported to each other


12. How was Darwin's theory of natural selection developed?
A.  Adapted by the necessary for survival.                C.  Influenced by his collection.
B.  Supported the effect of environment.                   D.  Influenced by John Henslow.

13. The famous Darwin theory was published based on ....
A.   theories developed by other scientists
B.   the success of his observation supported by geologist and naturalist
C.   his expedition and natural observation data a scientist
D.  the influence of organisms adaptation in survival living

14. Charles Robert Darwin is a …., except:

 A.  rich man                           B. scientist                             C. poor man                D. naturalist   


15. Arrange these words into a good sentence

       are – happy – forever – hope – you – I – and – health

         (1)      (2)          (3)         (4)     (5)   (6)  (7)        (8)

  A. 6 –  4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 3                                            C. 6 –  4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 3

  B. 1 –  5 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 3                                            D. 2 –  7 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 4                                                                                       

 16.    an    view    saw      in      hut       rice field   the        amazing        She.

         (1)    (2)      (3)        (4)      (5)      (6)                (7)        (8)                (9)

         The best arrangement to make a sentence is ….


17.          Choose the best arrangement of the words to make correct sentences

say – to – would – I – like – Birthday – Happy      The arrangement is …………………………

(1)    (2)     (3)      (4)  (5)        (6)             (7)        

18.Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph

1. The man gave him five magic beans for the cow.
2. Jack climbed up the beanstalk. He wanted to see what was at the top
3. Jack and  his mother were very poor, so his mother asked him to sell their cow.
4. On the way he met a strange man
5. His mother was very angry and threw the beans out of the window.
6. The next morning, they saw a giant beanstalk
7. Jack found a huge castle and a lot of gold


II. Fill in the blank with the suitable word.


Dear Sari,

I just ….(1)…… back from Bali. I …(2)..… a great vacation with my friends. We….(3)…… in a hotel near the sea. We …(4)… at the sea. A guide ….(5)..… us around Bali and we spent most of our days touring the island. I think I’d like to visit this place again next time.


Monday, 28 March 2022


 Assalamualaikum wr wb

Berikut saya jelaskan  tentang Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah.

Untuk  Ujian Praktek Tahun ini tidak dijadwal secara formal, jadi sesuai dengan jadwal pelajaran.

Tujuan dari Ujian Praktek ini adalah terutama  menggali potensi dan bakat minat setiap siswa. Ada beberapa pilihan untuk ujian praktek Bahasa Inggris. Sesuai semangat Merdeka Belajar, setiap siswa diberi kesempatan untuk menunjukkan potensi dan bakat masing-masing.   Sikap yang ditonjolkan adalah kemandirian, percaya diri, teamwork, kerjasama dan  tanggung jawab

Pilihan untuk  Ujian Praktek :

1. tes performa Narrative Text .  Siswa bisa berkelompok atau individu, mendongeng dalam Bahasa Inggris. Untuk mendongeng yang kelompok, dibagi tugas, siapa yang bercerita, siapa yang memperagakan. jadi semacam  drama

2. tes performa Procedure Text : siswa secara berkelompok atau individu menjelaskan prosedur, langkah demi langkah membuat sesuatu. Bisa makanan, benda , tips, atau yang lainnya.

Jenis makanan yang dibuat diseuaikan dengan kerumitan dan banyaknya  anggota kelompok. jadi misalnya jika hanya membuat Es teh manis, cukup 1 orang saja. Jika membuat kue /pizza bisa oeh 5 orang. Yang dipresentasikan cara membuat, bahan mentah, setengah matang dan  produk jadi.

3. Tes perfoma Report Text. Siswa secara berkelompok atau individu melaporkan  peristiwa, event atau benda, tumbuhan, dll.  Jadi bentunnya video laporan, being a reporter.

4. pilihan bebas bakat dan minat 

a.  menyanyi atau menari/dance bisa individu atau grup

b.  Jaipong atau kesenian tradisional lain

c. Bakat di bidang olahraga

d. Hafidz/hafidzoh . Dites surat-surat panjang 

Penskoran : Produk dan Konten, Cara penyampaian, Fluency, accuracy.

                   Sikap : Percaya diri, mandiri, kerjasama, tanggung jawab

Silakan dipersiapkan sebaik-baiknya. Be ready and well prepared.

Good luck!!

Sunday, 20 March 2022





I. Choose the best answer

Read the text below to answer number 1-2


1. Why do elephants fan their ears?

A. their skin can keep them cool                          C. they have very thick skin

B. it means that they are looking to cool of                      D. they have large ears


2.      Complete the dialogue bellow with suitable modal”.

       Ujang        : Look at my painting, Asep. What do you think?

       Asep         : I think you … add green colour in order to make it more beautiful.

       Ujang        : Green colour?

       Asep         : Yes. Between the flowers

       Ujang        : Yeah, I think it will be better. Thanks, Asep.

       Asep         : No problem.

A.     Could                     B. would                      C. should                     D. may



Read the text carefully and answer the questions 3  and 4



The Ant and the Grasshopper

One summer day, a grasshopper was hopping about in a musical mood. An ant passed by bearing a long with great toil an ear of core he was taking to the nest.

The grasshopper invited the ant to sit for a chat with him, but the ant refused saying, “I’m storing up food for winters.” “Pooh! Why do bother about winter? We have got enough food. Let’s enjoy ourselves”, said the grasshopper. The Ant ignored him.

Finally, when winter came, the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing corn and grain from their storage.

The grasshopper understood that it is best to prepare for the days of necessity.

 3      Why did the ant store up the food for the winter?

A.     To prepare the food  for the winter                       C. to share food for the winter

B.     To keep food fresh all day long                D. to give food for another

4.      What can you learn from the text?

A.     We should do hard work for the success in the future

B.     We do anything we like without looking at the future

C.     We need to share our food for the other

D.     We should keep food from other people

The question for number 5-8




The question for number 5-8



Many birds dance to attract a mate, especially in springtime. From pigeons to parrots, birds like to show themselves off by dancing. Have a look at birds near where you live and see what kinds of dances they perform. Ostriches are the only birds which dance for fun. Early in the morning, the birds gather and begin to dance in circles on tip-toes with their wings outstretched. Very soon, the whole group joins in with the twirling dance. Scientists think that this dance is purely expression of joy at being alive!




5.      What kinds of birds are reported in the text?

  1. Many birds                                                      C.    Pigeons
  2. Parrots                                                             D.   Ostriches


6.      Which of the following description is not correct?

A.    Birds may dance to attract their mate             C.   Ostriches dance for fun

A.    Ostriches dance without their friends             D.   The birds enjoy their dance


7.      What does the writer inform us?

A.    How birds hunt for food                                 C.   How birds express their joy by dancing

B.     How birds grow their offspring                      D.   How birds perform dances



8.      “….their wings outstretched….” (line 4). What does ‘their’ refer to?

A.    Circles                                                 C.   Wings

B.     Tip-toes                                                           D.   Ostriches


Read the text, and answer questions 9-11!


Let’s Make a Monster with Bright Eyes


You will need :  

                            •   2 bulbs in bulb holders

 3 wires

 a battery

 coloured card

 coloured paper


 sticky tape



·         Attach a wire to each of the screws on one bulb holder.

·         Connect the other end of one of these wires to the second bulb holder.

·         Connect your third wire to the other screw on the second bulb holder.

·         Connect the loose wires to the ends of the battery.

·         Cut the card into a monster face with two eye holes.

·         Push the bulbs through the holes in the back of the card.

·         Tape the bulbs and the battery onto the back of the card.

·         Turn the monster face around. Finish it by gluing on a paper mouth and nose.  Watch the eyes glow!


9.      What does the writer mean with the text?

A.    To persuade the readers make a Monster with Bright Eyes

B.     To inform the readers the step of making a Monster with Bright Eyes

C.     To explain the readers what a Monster with Bright Eyes is

D.    To suggest the readers make  a Monster with Bright Eyes


10.     Watch the eyes glow! ” (last line)

What is the opposite of the underlined word.....

A.    shine                                                    C.   dim

B.     blink                                                     D.   flash


11.     What do you have to do after the third step?

A.    Connect your third wire to the other screw on the second bulb holder

B.     Connect the loose wires to the ends of the battery.

C.     Cut the card into a monster face with two eye holes

D.    Push the bulbs through the holes in the back of the card.

12. write a text telling about what did you do last sunday activities.

Good luck!!